Flying Mind

Im not a light, nor a torchlight
Im not white, just any dark colours
I enough to know something wrong,
Im teenager now
I enough to know what’s make me enjoy
I enough to know what’s make me jerk
I enough to know what’s make me shocked
I enough to know what’s make me hurt…
That’s the reason why do I chose to silent
Why do I tried to write, despite you suspected me the way
Why do I cried all night long
Why do I chose to walk alone on this world
Why do I chose to hate everything beside me

Have you ever feel that your life make you nauseated?
Have you ever feel that your presence just make the other’s life in disorder?
Have you ever think to do a suicide?
Have you ever think to thrown by to the hell?
Have you?

Any one can’t make me feel joy
Any one can’t make me feel satisfied
I’ve been trying not to speak or tell anything
But this wound pain in my heart can’t stop my tears
In that way, the tears told what I can’t say
But no one know me well, no one can recognize me well..
I’ve been trying to make all right
But all of them blamed me
Saying that I’ve make any mistakes
In that time I think, why do I always blamed?
Do I false? Why do I too stupid? Too fool to live in this amazing world?
Am I never and never being proper to run over this world?
Am I never being proper to fly above the blue clear sky?
So what God’s purpose to create me?
I just waiting someone answer my own silly question…



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