There Is Somewhere to Go

Once upon a time
There was a boy who has attempted crime
Not a big one, but everyone kept saying it’s still a ‘crime’
They ignored him during schooltime
Left him as his soul was full of grime
He fell to the bottom of hell with nowhere to climb
He felt only darkness in the daytime
And saw nothing at the night time

People were passing by, overlooked his existence
Time did the same, neglecting his inconvenience

But one didn’t do the same
He watched the incident and call him showing His benevolence
The boy ran quickly as he heard His voice
He stumbled and fell upon His hands
He gave the boy reassurance
He let the boy cried and screamed and vented
He cherished him tightly and patted his shoulders
As He wanted him to always remember His kindness
Every time he falls down
Every time from the world he’s being thrown

Alvi Rosyidah
Malang, August 2018 

Pic Source: Pascal Campion Art


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