
Keminggris / Sok Inggris

Kata “ keminggris ” tentunya bukan lagi istilah yang asing bagi orang Jawa. Sama rumusnya dengan kemayu (sok ayu/cantik) dan keminter (sok pintar), keminggris berarti sok nginggris . Istilah ini biasanya digunakan saat seseorang melihat orang lain yang bukan native English speaker , berbicara atau menulis dengan Bahasa Inggris atau mencampur kedua bahasa tersebut dalam berkomunikasi. Contoh nih: “Sumpah! Ini pilem bagus amat. Recommended banget dah!” Atau, “Kenapa cuman dia yang dapet A? Bekal senyum doang gitu. Padahal menurutku she’s not that good. .” Nah. Jadi kata “keminggris” ini konotasinya negatif. Kalau disederhanakan mungkin kayak gini, “halah, gaya-gayaan pake Bahasa Inggris segala.” Jadi jangan sembarangan bilang gitu ke orang lain yaa. Heheh.. :D   Daaan, di tulisan saya ini, saya akan menjelaskan beberapa alasan mengapa seseorang itu mencampur-campur bahasanya dalam berkomunikasi, baik melalui lisan maupun tulisan. Saya pribadi belum pernah s...

Arranged Schedule for College Students, Why Not?

Programming the schedule of courses is likely a terrible time for most college students in State University of Malang. It is the time where students are competing to get in the expected courses with desired schedule arrangement and lecturers. Students generally have the same opinion about ideal lecturers, so classes with ideal lecturers will be fully booked as soon as the applying time opened. For some reasons, I do not agree and comfortable with this system. With some considerations, I think it should be better if students get their course schedule arranged by the system without programming it themselves.             It might be true that course self-programming can make students more independent and responsible for their own choices. They are involved in every step of course-programming so they know how to deal with that kind of rigmarole. However, although the students would be more independent, course self-programmin...